Interchangeable meaning in Hindi

Interchangeable is a english word.

Interchangeable Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • interchangeable = विनिमेय

    • Usage: In a barter system things were interchangeable.

Interchangeable Meaning in Detail

  • interchangeable (adj) = (mathematics, logic) such that the arguments or roles can be interchanged

    Synonyms: interchangeable

    • Usage: the arguments of the symmetric relation, `is a sister of,' are interchangeable
  • interchangeable (adj) = capable of replacing or changing places with something else; permitting mutual substitution without loss of function or suitability

    Synonyms: exchangeable, interchangeable, similar, standardized, standardised

    • Usage: interchangeable electric outlets" "interchangeable parts
  • Other words to learn

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