Inverse meaning in Hindi

Inverse is a english word.

Inverse Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • inverse = प्रतिलोम

    • Usage: She told the mathematical tables in inverse order.

Inverse Meaning in Detail

  • inverse (noun) = something inverted in sequence or character or effect

    Synonyms: inverse, opposite

    • Usage: when the direct approach failed he tried the inverse
  • inverse (adj) = reversed (turned backward) in order or nature or effect

    Synonyms: inverse, reverse

  • inverse (adj) = opposite in nature or effect or relation to another quantity

    Synonyms: inverse

    • Usage: a term is in inverse proportion to another term if it increases (or decreases) as the other decreases (or increases)
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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