Ironic meaning in Hindi

Ironic is a english word.

Ironic Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • ironic = व्यंग्यात्मक

    • Usage: He made ironic statements in front of everyone.

Ironic Meaning in Detail

  • ironic (adj) = humorously sarcastic or mocking

    Synonyms: dry, ironic, ironical, wry

    • Usage: dry humor
    • Usage: an ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obliquely
    • Usage: an ironic novel
    • Usage: an ironical smile
    • Usage: with a wry Scottish wit
  • ironic (adj) = characterized by often poignant difference or incongruity between what is expected and what actually is

    Synonyms: ironic, ironical

    • Usage: madness, an ironic fate for such a clear thinker
    • Usage: it was ironical that the well-planned scheme failed so completely
  • Other words to learn

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