Itch meaning in Hindi

Itch is a english word.

Itch Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • itch = खुजली

    • Usage: He has a bad itch on his body.
  • itch = इच्छा

    • Usage: My daughter cannot resist the itch to travel.
  • itch = खुजली होना

    • Usage: My nose is itching.
  • itch = इच्छा होना

    • Usage: Student's itching for the lesson to finish.

Itch Meaning in Detail

  • itch (noun) = a contagious skin infection caused by the itch mite; characterized by persistent itching and skin irritation

    Synonyms: scabies, itch

    • Usage: he has a bad case of the itch
  • itch (noun) = a strong restless desire

    Synonyms: urge, itch

    • Usage: why this urge to travel?
  • itch (noun) = an irritating cutaneous sensation that produces a desire to scratch

    Synonyms: itch, itchiness, itching

  • itch (verb) = scrape or rub as if to relieve itching

    Synonyms: rub, scratch, itch

    • Usage: Don't scratch your insect bites!
  • itch (verb) = have or perceive an itch

    Synonyms: itch

    • Usage: I'm itching--the air is so dry!
  • itch (verb) = cause to perceive an itch

    Synonyms: itch

    • Usage: his skin itched
  • itch (verb) = have a strong desire or urge to do something

    Synonyms: itch, spoil

    • Usage: She is itching to start the project
    • Usage: He is spoiling for a fight
  • Other words to learn

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