Keep up meaning in Hindi

Keep up is a english word.

Keep up Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • keep up = ज़ारी रहना{अच्छा मौसम}

    • Usage: I hope the sunny weather keeps up.

Keep up Meaning in Detail

  • keep up (verb) = maintain a required pace or level

    Synonyms: keep_up

    • Usage: He could not keep up and dropped out of the race
  • keep up (verb) = lengthen or extend in duration or space

    Synonyms: prolong, sustain, keep_up

    • Usage: We sustained the diplomatic negotiations as long as possible
    • Usage: prolong the treatment of the patient
    • Usage: keep up the good work
  • keep up (verb) = keep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction

    Synonyms: conserve, preserve, maintain, keep_up

    • Usage: We preserve these archeological findings
    • Usage: The old lady could not keep up the building
    • Usage: children must be taught to conserve our national heritage
    • Usage: The museum curator conserved the ancient manuscripts
  • keep up (verb) = keep informed

    Synonyms: keep_up, keep_abreast, follow

    • Usage: He kept up on his country's foreign policies
  • keep up (verb) = prevent from going to bed at night

    Synonyms: keep_up

    • Usage: The anticipation of the trip kept the children up all night
    • Usage: I kept myself up all night studying for the exam
  • Other words to learn

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