Litter meaning in Hindi

Litter is a english word.

Litter Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • litter = कूडा-करकट

    • Usage: A lot of litter is piled up outside the locality.
  • litter = एक साथ पैदा हुए बच्चे

    • Usage: A litter of pups.
  • litter = पालकी

    • Usage: In some parts of the country even now litters are used for travelling.
  • litter = बिखेरना

    • Usage: All kinds of things are found littered on roads.

Litter Meaning in Detail

  • litter (noun) = the offspring at one birth of a multiparous mammal

    Synonyms: litter

  • litter (noun) = rubbish carelessly dropped or left about (especially in public places)

    Synonyms: litter

  • litter (noun) = conveyance consisting of a chair or bed carried on two poles by bearers

    Synonyms: litter

  • litter (noun) = material used to provide a bed for animals

    Synonyms: bedding_material, bedding, litter

  • litter (verb) = strew

    Synonyms: litter

    • Usage: Cigar butts littered the ground
  • litter (verb) = make a place messy by strewing garbage around

    Synonyms: litter

  • litter (verb) = give birth to a litter of animals

    Synonyms: litter

  • Other words to learn

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