Logic meaning in Hindi

Logic is a english word.

Logic Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • logic = तर्क-शास्त्र

    • Usage: He is studying logic.
  • logic = गणितीय तर्क

    • Usage: Mathematical logic.
  • logic = तर्क

    • Usage: Your logic does not convince me.
  • logic = गणक तर्क

    • Usage: The logic of a computer program.

Logic Meaning in Detail

  • logic (noun) = the branch of philosophy that analyzes inference

    Synonyms: logic

  • logic (noun) = reasoned and reasonable judgment

    Synonyms: logic

    • Usage: it made a certain kind of logic
  • logic (noun) = the principles that guide reasoning within a given field or situation

    Synonyms: logic

    • Usage: economic logic requires it
    • Usage: by the logic of war
  • logic (noun) = the system of operations performed by a computer that underlies the machine's representation of logical operations

    Synonyms: logic

  • logic (noun) = a system of reasoning

    Synonyms: logic, logical_system, system_of_logic

  • Other words to learn

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