Lull meaning in Hindi

Lull is a english word.

Lull Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • lull = सन्नाटा

    • Usage: There was a lull in the storm
  • lull = शांत करना[होना]

    • Usage: The fighting lulled for a moment

Lull Meaning in Detail

  • lull (noun) = a pause during which things are calm or activities are diminished

    Synonyms: letup, lull

    • Usage: there was never a letup in the noise
  • lull (noun) = a period of calm weather

    Synonyms: lull, quiet

    • Usage: there was a lull in the storm
  • lull (verb) = calm by deception

    Synonyms: lull

    • Usage: Don't let yourself be lulled into a false state of security
  • lull (verb) = become quiet or less intensive

    Synonyms: lull, calm_down

    • Usage: the fighting lulled for a moment
  • lull (verb) = make calm or still

    Synonyms: calm, calm_down, quiet, tranquilize, tranquillize, tranquillise, quieten, lull, still

    • Usage: quiet the dragons of worry and fear
  • Other words to learn

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