Magnetic meaning in Hindi

Magnetic is a english word.

Magnetic Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • magnetic = चुम्बकीय

    • Usage: He has a magnetic personality.

Magnetic Meaning in Detail

  • magnetic (adj) = of or relating to or caused by magnetism

    Synonyms: magnetic

    • Usage: magnetic forces
  • magnetic (adj) = having the properties of a magnet; i.e. of attracting iron or steel

    Synonyms: magnetic, magnetized, magnetised

    • Usage: the hard disk is covered with a thin coat of magnetic material
  • magnetic (adj) = capable of being magnetized

    Synonyms: magnetic

  • magnetic (adj) = determined by earth's magnetic fields

    Synonyms: magnetic

    • Usage: magnetic north
    • Usage: the needle of a magnetic compass points to the magnetic north pole
  • magnetic (adj) = possessing an extraordinary ability to attract

    Synonyms: charismatic, magnetic

    • Usage: a charismatic leader
    • Usage: a magnetic personality
  • Other words to learn

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