Mandate meaning in Hindi

Mandate is a english word.

Mandate Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • mandate = आदेश

    • Usage: Our election victory has given us a clear mandate to go ahead with our policies.

Mandate Meaning in Detail

  • mandate (noun) = a document giving an official instruction or command

    Synonyms: mandate, authorization, authorisation

  • mandate (noun) = a territory surrendered by Turkey or Germany after World War I and put under the tutelage of some other European power until they are able to stand by themselves

    Synonyms: mandate, mandatory

  • mandate (noun) = the commission that is given to a government and its policies through an electoral victory

    Synonyms: mandate

  • mandate (verb) = assign under a mandate

    Synonyms: mandate

    • Usage: mandate a colony
  • mandate (verb) = make mandatory

    Synonyms: mandate

    • Usage: the new director of the school board mandated regular tests
  • mandate (verb) = assign authority to

    Synonyms: mandate

  • Other words to learn

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