Mechanic meaning in Hindi

Mechanic is a english word.

Mechanic Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • mechanic = मैकैनिक/कारीगर

    • Usage: It is better to consult a mechanic than to always try self-help.

Mechanic Meaning in Detail

  • mechanic (noun) = a craftsman skilled in operating machine tools

    Synonyms: machinist, mechanic, shop_mechanic

  • mechanic (noun) = someone whose occupation is repairing and maintaining automobiles

    Synonyms: automobile_mechanic, auto-mechanic, car-mechanic, mechanic, grease_monkey

  • mechanic (adj) = resembling the action of a machine

    Synonyms: mechanic

    • Usage: from blank to blank a threadless way I pushed mechanic feet"- Emily Dickenson
  • Other words to learn

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