Mechanism meaning in Hindi

Mechanism is a english word.

Mechanism Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • mechanism = तरीका

    • Usage: Not only the goal but the mechanism to achieve it should also be right.

Mechanism Meaning in Detail

  • mechanism (noun) = the atomic process that occurs during a chemical reaction

    Synonyms: mechanism, chemical_mechanism

    • Usage: he determined unique mechanisms for the photochemical reactions
  • mechanism (noun) = the technical aspects of doing something

    Synonyms: mechanism, mechanics

    • Usage: a mechanism of social control
    • Usage: mechanisms of communication
    • Usage: the mechanics of prose style
  • mechanism (noun) = a natural object resembling a machine in structure or function

    Synonyms: mechanism

    • Usage: the mechanism of the ear
    • Usage: the mechanism of infection
  • mechanism (noun) = (philosophy) the philosophical theory that all phenomena can be explained in terms of physical or biological causes

    Synonyms: mechanism

  • mechanism (noun) = device consisting of a piece of machinery; has moving parts that perform some function

    Synonyms: mechanism

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