Million meaning in Hindi

Million is a english word.

Million Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • million = दस लाख

    • Usage: We would be happier with a million laughs than with a million rupees.

Million Meaning in Detail

  • million (noun) = the number that is represented as a one followed by 6 zeros

    Synonyms: million, 1000000, one_thousand_thousand, meg

  • million (noun) = a very large indefinite number (usually hyperbole)

    Synonyms: million, billion, trillion, zillion, jillion, gazillion

    • Usage: there were millions of flies
  • million (adj) = (in Roman numerals, M written with a macron over it) denoting a quantity consisting of 1,000,000 items or units

    Synonyms: million

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