Miniature meaning in Hindi

Miniature is a english word.

Miniature Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • miniature = सूक्ष्म चित्र बनाना

    • Usage: He recreated the entire event in miniature'
  • miniature = लघुरूप

    • Usage: Only a miniature creature could pass through those bars.
    • Usage: It was a exact miniature of the sculpture.
  • miniature = लघुचित्र

    • Usage: He is a miniature artist.

Miniature Meaning in Detail

  • miniature (noun) = painting or drawing included in a book (especially in illuminated medieval manuscripts)

    Synonyms: miniature, illumination

  • miniature (noun) = a copy that reproduces a person or thing in greatly reduced size

    Synonyms: miniature, toy

  • miniature (adj) = being on a very small scale

    Synonyms: miniature

    • Usage: a miniature camera
  • Other words to learn

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