Modulate meaning in Hindi

Modulate is a english word.

Modulate Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • modulate = स्वर साधना

    • Usage: He has to learn how to modulate his voice properly.

Modulate Meaning in Detail

  • modulate (verb) = change the key of, in music

    Synonyms: modulate

    • Usage: modulate the melody
  • modulate (verb) = vary the pitch of one's speech

    Synonyms: tone, inflect, modulate

  • modulate (verb) = fix or adjust the time, amount, degree, or rate of

    Synonyms: regulate, modulate

    • Usage: regulate the temperature
    • Usage: modulate the pitch
  • modulate (verb) = adjust the pitch, tone, or volume of

    Synonyms: modulate

  • modulate (verb) = vary the frequency, amplitude, phase, or other characteristic of (electromagnetic waves)

    Synonyms: modulate

  • Other words to learn

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