Mornings meaning in Hindi

Mornings is a english word.

Mornings Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • mornings = प्रत्येक सुबह

    • Usage: She goes for a walk in the mornings.

Mornings Meaning in Detail

  • mornings (noun) = the time period between dawn and noon

    Synonyms: morning, morn, morning_time, forenoon

    • Usage: I spent the morning running errands
  • mornings (noun) = a conventional expression of greeting or farewell

    Synonyms: good_morning, morning

  • mornings (noun) = the first light of day

    Synonyms: dawn, dawning, morning, aurora, first_light, daybreak, break_of_day, break_of_the_day, dayspring, sunrise, sunup, cockcrow

    • Usage: we got up before dawn
    • Usage: they talked until morning
  • mornings (noun) = the earliest period

    Synonyms: dawn, morning

    • Usage: the dawn of civilization
    • Usage: the morning of the world
  • Other words to learn

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