Name meaning in Hindi

Name is a english word.

Name Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • name = नाम

    • Usage: My name is Robin.
  • name = कीर्ति

    • Usage: Leander Paes has made a name for himself in the tennis world.
  • name = नाम रखना

    • Usage: I have named my son Kapil.
  • name = नाम बताना/पहचानना

    • Usage: He named the person accused of stealing.
  • name = नियुक्त करना

    • Usage: He has been named the captain of the team.

Name Meaning in Detail

  • name (noun) = a language unit by which a person or thing is known

    Synonyms: name

    • Usage: his name really is George Washington
    • Usage: those are two names for the same thing
  • name (noun) = a person's reputation

    Synonyms: name

    • Usage: he wanted to protect his good name
  • name (noun) = family based on male descent

    Synonyms: name, gens

    • Usage: he had no sons and there was no one to carry on his name
  • name (noun) = a well-known or notable person

    Synonyms: name, figure, public_figure

    • Usage: they studied all the great names in the history of France
    • Usage: she is an important figure in modern music
  • name (noun) = by the sanction or authority of

    Synonyms: name

    • Usage: halt in the name of the law
  • name (noun) = a defamatory or abusive word or phrase

    Synonyms: name, epithet

  • name (verb) = assign a specified (usually proper) proper name to

    Synonyms: name, call

    • Usage: They named their son David
    • Usage: The new school was named after the famous Civil Rights leader
  • name (verb) = give the name or identifying characteristics of; refer to by name or some other identifying characteristic property

    Synonyms: name, identify

    • Usage: Many senators were named in connection with the scandal
    • Usage: The almanac identifies the auspicious months
  • name (verb) = charge with a function; charge to be

    Synonyms: name, nominate, make

    • Usage: She was named Head of the Committee
    • Usage: She was made president of the club
  • name (verb) = create and charge with a task or function

    Synonyms: appoint, name, nominate, constitute

    • Usage: nominate a committee
  • name (verb) = mention and identify by name

    Synonyms: name

    • Usage: name your accomplices!
  • name (verb) = make reference to

    Synonyms: mention, advert, bring_up, cite, name, refer

    • Usage: His name was mentioned in connection with the invention
  • name (verb) = identify as in botany or biology, for example

    Synonyms: identify, discover, key, key_out, distinguish, describe, name

  • name (verb) = give or make a list of; name individually; give the names of

    Synonyms: list, name

    • Usage: List the states west of the Mississippi
  • name (verb) = determine or distinguish the nature of a problem or an illness through a diagnostic analysis

    Synonyms: diagnose, name

  • Other words to learn

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