Nap meaning in Hindi

Nap is a english word.

Nap Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • nap = झपकी

    • Usage: I usually take a nap in the afternoon.
    • Usage: I will come there after a nap.
  • nap = मखमल के महीन धागे

    • Usage: The nap of the sofa cloth was withering.
  • nap = झपकी लेना

    • Usage: He was napping in the bus.
    • Usage: Let me nap for a while.

Nap Meaning in Detail

  • nap (noun) = a period of time spent sleeping

    Synonyms: sleep, nap

    • Usage: he felt better after a little sleep
    • Usage: there wasn't time for a nap
  • nap (noun) = a soft or fuzzy surface texture

    Synonyms: nap

  • nap (noun) = the yarn (as in a rug or velvet or corduroy) that stands up from the weave

    Synonyms: pile, nap

    • Usage: for uniform color and texture tailors cut velvet with the pile running the same direction
  • nap (noun) = sleeping for a short period of time (usually not in bed)

    Synonyms: nap, catnap, cat_sleep, forty_winks, short_sleep, snooze

  • nap (noun) = a card game similar to whist; usually played for stakes

    Synonyms: Napoleon, nap

  • nap (verb) = take a siesta

    Synonyms: nap, catnap, catch_a_wink

    • Usage: She naps everyday after lunch for an hour
  • Other words to learn

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