Notable meaning in Hindi

Notable is a english word.

Notable Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • notable = प्रसिद्ध

    • Usage: Pearl.s.Buck is a notable novelist.

Notable Meaning in Detail

  • notable (noun) = a celebrity who is an inspiration to others

    Synonyms: luminary, leading_light, guiding_light, notable, notability

    • Usage: he was host to a large gathering of luminaries
  • notable (adj) = worthy of notice

    Synonyms: noteworthy, notable

    • Usage: a noteworthy advance in cancer research
  • notable (adj) = widely known and esteemed

    Synonyms: celebrated, famed, far-famed, famous, illustrious, notable, noted, renowned

    • Usage: a famous actor
    • Usage: a celebrated musician
    • Usage: a famed scientist
    • Usage: an illustrious judge
    • Usage: a notable historian
    • Usage: a renowned painter
  • Other words to learn

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