Noticeable meaning in Hindi

Noticeable is a english word.

Noticeable Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • noticeable = देखने योग्य

    • Usage: Comets are noticeable in the sky.

Noticeable Meaning in Detail

  • noticeable (adj) = capable or worthy of being perceived

    Synonyms: noticeable

    • Usage: noticeable shadows under her eyes
    • Usage: noticeable for its vivid historical background
    • Usage: a noticeable lack of friendliness
  • noticeable (adj) = capable of being detected

    Synonyms: detectable, noticeable

    • Usage: after a noticeable pause the lecturer continued
  • noticeable (adj) = undesirably noticeable

    Synonyms: obtrusive, noticeable

    • Usage: the obtrusive behavior of a spoiled child
    • Usage: equally obtrusive was the graffiti
  • noticeable (adj) = readily noticed

    Synonyms: noticeable

    • Usage: a noticeable resemblance
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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