Offing meaning in Hindi

Offing is a english word.

Offing Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • offing = निकट भविष्य में

    • Usage: There was a wedding in the offing.

Offing Meaning in Detail

  • offing (noun) = the near or foreseeable future

    Synonyms: offing

    • Usage: there was a wedding in the offing
  • offing (noun) = the part of the sea that can be seen from the shore and is beyond the anchoring area

    Synonyms: offing

    • Usage: there was a ship in the offing
  • offing (verb) = kill intentionally and with premeditation

    Synonyms: murder, slay, hit, dispatch, bump_off, off, polish_off, remove

    • Usage: The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered
  • Other words to learn

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