Overflow meaning in Hindi

Overflow is a english word.

Overflow Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • overflow = बाढ़

    • Usage: The people stopped the overflow of water by constucting bund
  • overflow = अधिकता

  • overflow = किनारे से बह निकलना

    • Usage: The river overfowed due to inceesant rain

Overflow Meaning in Detail

  • overflow (noun) = a large flow

    Synonyms: flood, overflow, outpouring

  • overflow (noun) = the occurrence of surplus liquid (as water) exceeding the limit or capacity

    Synonyms: overflow, runoff, overspill

  • overflow (verb) = flow or run over (a limit or brim)

    Synonyms: overflow, overrun, well_over, run_over, brim_over

  • overflow (verb) = overflow with a certain feeling

    Synonyms: bubble_over, overflow, spill_over

    • Usage: The children bubbled over with joy
    • Usage: My boss was bubbling over with anger
  • Other words to learn

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