Pacemaker meaning in Hindi

Pacemaker is a english word.

Pacemaker Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • pacemaker = आगे चलनेवाला

    • Usage: I was the pace maker of the whole camping group leading towards the icy Mountains.
  • pacemaker = पेसमेकर{हृदय यंत्र}

    • Usage: Pace maker was used to control the heartbeat of the patient.

Pacemaker Meaning in Detail

  • pacemaker (noun) = a leading instance in its field

    Synonyms: pacesetter, pacemaker

    • Usage: the new policy will be a pacesetter in community relations
  • pacemaker (noun) = a specialized bit of heart tissue that controls the heartbeat

    Synonyms: pacemaker, cardiac_pacemaker, sinoatrial_node, SA_node

  • pacemaker (noun) = an implanted electronic device that takes over the function of the natural cardiac pacemaker

    Synonyms: pacemaker, artificial_pacemaker

  • pacemaker (noun) = a horse used to set the pace in racing

    Synonyms: pacer, pacemaker, pacesetter

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