Paid meaning in Hindi

Paid is a english word.

Paid Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • paid = चुकाया {हुआ}

    • Usage: I paid the rickshaw puller for his work.

Paid Meaning in Detail

  • paid (verb) = give money, usually in exchange for goods or services

    Synonyms: pay

    • Usage: I paid four dollars for this sandwich
    • Usage: Pay the waitress, please
  • paid (verb) = convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow

    Synonyms: give, pay

    • Usage: Don't pay him any mind
    • Usage: give the orders
    • Usage: Give him my best regards
    • Usage: pay attention
  • paid (verb) = cancel or discharge a debt

    Synonyms: pay_up, ante_up, pay

    • Usage: pay up, please!
  • paid (verb) = bring in

    Synonyms: yield, pay, bear

    • Usage: interest-bearing accounts
    • Usage: How much does this savings certificate pay annually?
  • paid (verb) = do or give something to somebody in return

    Synonyms: pay, pay_off, make_up, compensate

    • Usage: Does she pay you for the work you are doing?
  • paid (verb) = dedicate

    Synonyms: give, pay, devote

    • Usage: give thought to
    • Usage: give priority to
    • Usage: pay attention to
  • paid (verb) = be worth it

    Synonyms: pay

    • Usage: It pays to go through the trouble
  • paid (verb) = render

    Synonyms: pay

    • Usage: pay a visit
    • Usage: pay a call
  • paid (verb) = bear (a cost or penalty), in recompense for some action

    Synonyms: pay

    • Usage: You'll pay for this!
    • Usage: She had to pay the penalty for speaking out rashly
    • Usage: You'll pay for this opinion later
  • paid (verb) = make a compensation for

    Synonyms: pay

    • Usage: a favor that cannot be paid back
  • paid (verb) = discharge or settle

    Synonyms: pay

    • Usage: pay a debt
    • Usage: pay an obligation
  • paid (adj) = marked by the reception of pay

    Synonyms: paid

    • Usage: paid work
    • Usage: a paid official
    • Usage: a paid announcement
    • Usage: a paid check
  • paid (adj) = involving gainful employment in something often done as a hobby

    Synonyms: nonrecreational, paid

  • paid (adj) = yielding a fair profit

    Synonyms: gainful, paid, paying

  • Other words to learn

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