Passion meaning in Hindi

Passion is a english word.

Passion Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • passion = भावावेश

    • Usage: One must have control over one's passions.
  • passion = सनक

    • Usage: She has a passion for music.

Passion Meaning in Detail

  • passion (noun) = a strong feeling or emotion

    Synonyms: passion, passionateness

  • passion (noun) = the trait of being intensely emotional

    Synonyms: heat, warmth, passion

  • passion (noun) = something that is desired intensely

    Synonyms: rage, passion

    • Usage: his rage for fame destroyed him
  • passion (noun) = an irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or action

    Synonyms: mania, passion, cacoethes

  • passion (noun) = a feeling of strong sexual desire

    Synonyms: passion

  • passion (noun) = any object of warm affection or devotion;

    Synonyms: love, passion

    • Usage: the theater was her first love
    • Usage: he has a passion for cock fighting
  • passion (noun) = the suffering of Jesus at the Crucifixion

    Synonyms: Passion, Passion_of_Christ

  • Other words to learn

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