Path meaning in Hindi

Path is a english word.

Path Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • path = पथ

  • path = मार्ग

    • Usage: This path leads to the river through the forest.
  • path = कार्यविधि

    • Usage: All Gandhians tread on the path of truth and non-violence.

Path Meaning in Detail

  • path (noun) = a course of conduct

    Synonyms: way, path, way_of_life

    • Usage: the path of virtue
    • Usage: we went our separate ways
    • Usage: our paths in life led us apart
    • Usage: genius usually follows a revolutionary path
  • path (noun) = a way especially designed for a particular use

    Synonyms: path

  • path (noun) = an established line of travel or access

    Synonyms: path, route, itinerary

  • path (noun) = a line or route along which something travels or moves

    Synonyms: path, track, course

    • Usage: the hurricane demolished houses in its path
    • Usage: the track of an animal
    • Usage: the course of the river
  • Other words to learn

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