Pathos meaning in Hindi

Pathos is a english word.

Pathos Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • pathos = करुण रस

    • Usage: It was an excellent performance of pathos and anger.

Pathos Meaning in Detail

  • pathos (noun) = a quality that arouses emotions (especially pity or sorrow)

    Synonyms: pathos, poignancy

    • Usage: the film captured all the pathos of their situation
  • pathos (noun) = a feeling of sympathy and sorrow for the misfortunes of others

    Synonyms: commiseration, pity, ruth, pathos

    • Usage: the blind are too often objects of pity
  • pathos (noun) = a style that has the power to evoke feelings

    Synonyms: pathos

  • Other words to learn

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