Patronage meaning in Hindi

Patronage is a english word.

Patronage Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • patronage = संरक्षता/आश्रय

    • Usage: The patronage of a few educated citizens revived an ancient art.

Patronage Meaning in Detail

  • patronage (noun) = the act of providing approval and support

    Synonyms: backing, backup, championship, patronage

    • Usage: his vigorous backing of the conservatives got him in trouble with progressives
  • patronage (noun) = customers collectively

    Synonyms: clientele, patronage, business

    • Usage: they have an upper class clientele
  • patronage (noun) = a communication that indicates lack of respect by patronizing the recipient

    Synonyms: condescension, disdain, patronage

  • patronage (noun) = (politics) granting favors or giving contracts or making appointments to office in return for political support

    Synonyms: patronage

  • patronage (noun) = the business given to a commercial establishment by its customers

    Synonyms: trade, patronage

    • Usage: even before noon there was a considerable patronage
  • patronage (verb) = support by being a patron of

    Synonyms: patronage

  • patronage (verb) = be a regular customer or client of

    Synonyms: patronize, patronise, patronage, support, keep_going

    • Usage: We patronize this store
    • Usage: Our sponsor kept our art studio going for as long as he could
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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