Pen meaning in Hindi

Pen is a english word.

Pen Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • pen = लेखनी/कलम

    • Usage: I have a infinite number of pens in my home.
  • pen = लिखना

    • Usage: He penned a beautiful letter yesterday.
  • pen = बाड़े में बन्द करना

    • Usage: She feels penned in by her life as a housewife.
  • pen = जानवरों का बाड़ा

    • Usage: I have made a beautiful pen for my animals.
  • pen = जेल

    • Usage: Yesterday, I visited a kids pen.

Pen Meaning in Detail

  • pen (noun) = a writing implement with a point from which ink flows

    Synonyms: pen

  • pen (noun) = an enclosure for confining livestock

    Synonyms: pen

  • pen (noun) = a portable enclosure in which babies may be left to play

    Synonyms: playpen, pen

  • pen (noun) = a correctional institution for those convicted of major crimes

    Synonyms: penitentiary, pen

  • pen (noun) = female swan

    Synonyms: pen

  • pen (verb) = produce a literary work

    Synonyms: write, compose, pen, indite

    • Usage: She composed a poem
    • Usage: He wrote four novels
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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