Phantom meaning in Hindi

Phantom is a english word.

Phantom Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • phantom = प्रेत

    • Usage: The phantom of his dead father often comes in the backyard.
  • phantom = भ्रम

    • Usage: I found myself staring at her as if she were phantom.

Phantom Meaning in Detail

  • phantom (noun) = a ghostly appearing figure

    Synonyms: apparition, phantom, phantasm, phantasma, fantasm, specter, spectre

    • Usage: we were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us
  • phantom (noun) = something existing in perception only

    Synonyms: apparition, phantom, phantasm, phantasma, fantasm, shadow

    • Usage: a ghostly apparition at midnight
  • phantom (adj) = something apparently sensed but having no physical reality

    Synonyms: phantom

    • Usage: seemed to hear faint phantom bells
    • Usage: the amputee's illusion of a phantom limb
  • Other words to learn

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