Pore meaning in Hindi

Pore is a english word.

Pore Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • pore = छोटा छेद

    • Usage: The pores in the soil helps to pass the oxyzen to the roots of the plants.
  • pore = परिशीलन करना

    • Usage: She was poring over the photograph to find out the strange person in that.

Pore Meaning in Detail

  • pore (noun) = any tiny hole admitting passage of a liquid (fluid or gas)

    Synonyms: pore

  • pore (noun) = any small opening in the skin or outer surface of an animal

    Synonyms: pore

  • pore (noun) = a minute epidermal pore in a leaf or stem through which gases and water vapor can pass

    Synonyms: stoma, stomate, pore

  • pore (verb) = direct one's attention on something

    Synonyms: concentrate, focus, center, centre, pore, rivet

    • Usage: Please focus on your studies and not on your hobbies
  • Other words to learn

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