Preternatural meaning in Hindi

Preternatural is a english word.

Preternatural Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • preternatural = अति प्राकृत

    • Usage: Rishu has a preternatural power of knowing the future of people by reading
    • Usage: their forehead.

Preternatural Meaning in Detail

  • preternatural (adj) = surpassing the ordinary or normal

    Synonyms: preternatural, uncanny

    • Usage: Beyond his preternatural affability there is some acid and some steel" - George Will
    • Usage: his uncanny sense of direction
  • preternatural (adj) = existing outside of or not in accordance with nature

    Synonyms: nonnatural, otherworldly, preternatural, transcendental

    • Usage: find transcendental motives for sublunary action"-Aldous Huxley
  • Other words to learn

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