Primal meaning in Hindi

Primal is a english word.

Primal Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • primal = आदिम

    • Usage: The primal objectives of training is to prepare good players for the team.

Primal Meaning in Detail

  • primal (adj) = serving as an essential component

    Synonyms: cardinal, central, fundamental, key, primal

    • Usage: a cardinal rule
    • Usage: the central cause of the problem
    • Usage: an example that was fundamental to the argument
    • Usage: computers are fundamental to modern industrial structure
  • primal (adj) = having existed from the beginning; in an earliest or original stage or state

    Synonyms: aboriginal, primal, primeval, primaeval, primordial

    • Usage: aboriginal forests
    • Usage: primal eras before the appearance of life on earth
    • Usage: the forest primeval
    • Usage: primordial matter
    • Usage: primordial forms of life
  • Other words to learn

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