Prime meaning in Hindi

Prime is a english word.

Prime Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • prime = मुख्य

    • Usage: The prime cause for this is not known.
  • prime = बहार

    • Usage: He is in the prime of his life.
  • prime = तैयार करना

    • Usage: The workers were primed by their leader for strike.
    • Usage: The windows were all primed before actual painting.

Prime Meaning in Detail

  • prime (noun) = a number that has no factor but itself and 1

    Synonyms: prime, prime_quantity

  • prime (noun) = the period of greatest prosperity or productivity

    Synonyms: flower, prime, peak, heyday, bloom, blossom, efflorescence, flush

  • prime (noun) = the second canonical hour; about 6 a.m.

    Synonyms: prime

  • prime (noun) = the time of maturity when power and vigor are greatest

    Synonyms: prime, prime_of_life

  • prime (verb) = insert a primer into (a gun, mine, or charge) preparatory to detonation or firing

    Synonyms: prime

    • Usage: prime a cannon
    • Usage: prime a mine
  • prime (verb) = cover with a primer; apply a primer to

    Synonyms: prime, ground, undercoat

  • prime (verb) = fill with priming liquid

    Synonyms: prime

    • Usage: prime a car engine
  • prime (adj) = first in rank or degree

    Synonyms: premier, prime

    • Usage: an architect of premier rank
    • Usage: the prime minister
  • prime (adj) = used of the first or originating agent

    Synonyms: prime

    • Usage: prime mover
  • prime (adj) = of superior grade

    Synonyms: choice, prime, prize, quality, select

    • Usage: choice wines
    • Usage: prime beef
    • Usage: prize carnations
    • Usage: quality paper
    • Usage: select peaches
  • prime (adj) = of or relating to or being an integer that cannot be factored into other integers

    Synonyms: prime

    • Usage: prime number
  • prime (adj) = being at the best stage of development

    Synonyms: prime, meridian

    • Usage: our manhood's prime vigor"- Robert Browning
  • Other words to learn

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