Prize meaning in Hindi

Prize is a english word.

Prize Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • prize = पुरस्कार

    • Usage: Tagore won the Nobel Prize for literature.
  • prize = मूल्यवान

    • Usage: Chetak was rana pratap's prize horse.
  • prize = महत्त्व देना

    • Usage: He prized his canary as a precious possession.

Prize Meaning in Detail

  • prize (noun) = something given for victory or superiority in a contest or competition or for winning a lottery

    Synonyms: prize, award

    • Usage: the prize was a free trip to Europe
  • prize (noun) = goods or money obtained illegally

    Synonyms: loot, booty, pillage, plunder, prize, swag, dirty_money

  • prize (noun) = something given as a token of victory

    Synonyms: trophy, prize

  • prize (verb) = hold dear

    Synonyms: prize, value, treasure, appreciate

    • Usage: I prize these old photographs
  • prize (verb) = to move or force, especially in an effort to get something open

    Synonyms: pry, prise, prize, lever, jimmy

    • Usage: The burglar jimmied the lock": "Raccoons managed to pry the lid off the garbage pail
  • prize (verb) = regard highly; think much of

    Synonyms: respect, esteem, value, prize, prise

    • Usage: I respect his judgement
    • Usage: We prize his creativity
  • prize (adj) = of superior grade

    Synonyms: choice, prime, prize, quality, select

    • Usage: choice wines
    • Usage: prime beef
    • Usage: prize carnations
    • Usage: quality paper
    • Usage: select peaches
  • Other words to learn

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