Propulsive meaning in Hindi

Propulsive is a english word.

Propulsive Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • propulsive = नोदक

    • Usage: The motor boat picks up the speed by propulsive force.

Propulsive Meaning in Detail

  • propulsive (adj) = having the power to propel

    Synonyms: propulsive

    • Usage: propulsive coefficient
  • propulsive (adj) = tending to or capable of propelling

    Synonyms: propellant, propellent, propelling, propulsive

    • Usage: propellant fuel for submarines
    • Usage: the faster a jet plane goes the greater its propulsive efficiency
    • Usage: universities...the seats of propulsive thought
  • Other words to learn

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