Psychedelic meaning in Hindi

Psychedelic is a english word.

Psychedelic Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • psychedelic = भ्रमित करने वाला

    • Usage: Kokaine and Ganza are psychedelic drug.

Psychedelic Meaning in Detail

  • psychedelic (adj) = producing distorted sensory perceptions and feelings or altered states of awareness or sometimes states resembling psychosis

    Synonyms: psychedelic

    • Usage: psychedelic drugs like psilocybin and mescaline
  • psychedelic (adj) = having the vivid colors and bizarre patterns associated with psychedelic states

    Synonyms: psychedelic

    • Usage: a psychedelic painting
  • psychedelic (adj) = (of a mental state) characterized by intense and distorted perceptions and hallucinations and feelings of euphoria or sometimes despair

    Synonyms: psychedelic

    • Usage: a psychedelic experience
  • Other words to learn

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