Puncture meaning in Hindi

Puncture is a english word.

Puncture Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • puncture = छिद्र

    • Usage: The puncture of the tyre could cause to buy a new one.

Puncture Meaning in Detail

  • puncture (noun) = loss of air pressure in a tire when a hole is made by some sharp object

    Synonyms: puncture

  • puncture (noun) = a small hole made by a sharp object

    Synonyms: puncture

  • puncture (noun) = the act of puncturing or perforating

    Synonyms: puncture

  • puncture (verb) = pierce with a pointed object; make a hole into

    Synonyms: puncture

    • Usage: puncture a tire
  • puncture (verb) = make by piercing

    Synonyms: puncture

    • Usage: puncture a hole
  • puncture (verb) = reduce or lessen the size or importance of

    Synonyms: deflate, puncture

    • Usage: The bad review of his work deflated his self-confidence
  • puncture (verb) = cause to lose air pressure or collapse by piercing

    Synonyms: puncture

    • Usage: puncture an air balloon
  • puncture (verb) = be pierced or punctured

    Synonyms: puncture

    • Usage: The tire punctured
  • Other words to learn

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