Quantitative meaning in Hindi

Quantitative is a english word.

Quantitative Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • quantitative = परिमाण संबंधी

    • Usage: Measurements of distance and time provide a quantitative picture.
    • Usage: Export wheat without quantitative limitation.

Quantitative Meaning in Detail

  • quantitative (adj) = expressible as a quantity or relating to or susceptible of measurement

    Synonyms: quantitative

    • Usage: export wheat without quantitative limitations
    • Usage: quantitative analysis determines the amounts and proportions of the chemical constituents of a substance or mixture
  • quantitative (adj) = relating to the measurement of quantity

    Synonyms: quantitative

    • Usage: quantitative studies
  • quantitative (adj) = (of verse) having a metric system based on relative duration of syllables

    Synonyms: quantitative

    • Usage: in typical Greek and Latin verse of the classical period the rhymic system is based on some arrangement of long and short elements
  • Other words to learn

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