Quicksilver meaning in Hindi

Quicksilver is a english word.

Quicksilver Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • quicksilver = पारा

    • Usage: Quicksilver is a chemical element

Quicksilver Meaning in Detail

  • quicksilver (noun) = a heavy silvery toxic univalent and bivalent metallic element; the only metal that is liquid at ordinary temperatures

    Synonyms: mercury, quicksilver, hydrargyrum, Hg, atomic_number_80

  • quicksilver (adj) = liable to sudden unpredictable change

    Synonyms: erratic, fickle, mercurial, quicksilver

    • Usage: erratic behavior
    • Usage: fickle weather
    • Usage: mercurial twists of temperament
    • Usage: a quicksilver character, cool and willful at one moment, utterly fragile the next
  • Other words to learn

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