Race meaning in Hindi

Race is a english word.

Race Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • race = तेज़ चाल

    • Usage: The race of time may leave you behind if you slumber.
  • race = जल्दी दौड़ना

    • Usage: I will race you to the stadium.
    • Usage: Thick black clouds raced across the sky.
    • Usage: She races at all the big meetings.
    • Usage: The patient had to be raced to hospital.
    • Usage: The driver waited for the green signal,his engine racing.
  • race = कुल वशं

    • Usage: We should not discriminate people on the grounds of sex,race,culture,or
    • Usage: language,etc.
  • race = जीव-धारियों की श्रेणी

    • Usage: Breed a race of cattles which can survive drought.
  • race = मानव जाति

    • Usage: Aryans were the people of ancient and noble race.
  • race = व्यक्तियों का समूह

    • Usage: Journalists are an interesting race.

Race Meaning in Detail

  • race (noun) = any competition

    Synonyms: race

    • Usage: the race for the presidency
  • race (noun) = a contest of speed

    Synonyms: race

    • Usage: the race is to the swift
  • race (noun) = people who are believed to belong to the same genetic stock

    Synonyms: race

    • Usage: some biologists doubt that there are important genetic differences between races of human beings
  • race (noun) = (biology) a taxonomic group that is a division of a species; usually arises as a consequence of geographical isolation within a species

    Synonyms: subspecies, race

  • race (noun) = the flow of air that is driven backwards by an aircraft propeller

    Synonyms: slipstream, airstream, race, backwash, wash

  • race (noun) = a canal for a current of water

    Synonyms: raceway, race

  • race (verb) = move fast

    Synonyms: rush, hotfoot, hasten, hie, speed, race, pelt_along, rush_along, cannonball_along, bucket_along, belt_along, step_on_it

    • Usage: He rushed down the hall to receive his guests
    • Usage: The cars raced down the street
  • race (verb) = compete in a race

    Synonyms: race, run

    • Usage: he is running the Marathon this year
    • Usage: let's race and see who gets there first
  • race (verb) = to work as fast as possible towards a goal, sometimes in competition with others

    Synonyms: race

    • Usage: We are racing to find a cure for AIDS
  • race (verb) = cause to move fast or to rush or race

    Synonyms: race, rush

    • Usage: The psychologist raced the rats through a long maze
  • Other words to learn

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