Rake meaning in Hindi

Rake is a english word.

Rake Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • rake = पाँचा{घास जमा करने का औज़ार}

    • Usage: He uses rake for collecting fallen leaves.
  • rake = दुराचारी

    • Usage: He is a rake,roams with many women.
  • rake = जमा करना

    • Usage: She raked up the grass cuttings.
    • Usage: He has been raking money ever since he started the new venture.
  • rake = तलाश करना

    • Usage: He raked the almirah for the missing letter.
  • rake = गोले दागना

    • Usage: They raked an enemy trench with machine gun fire.

Rake Meaning in Detail

  • rake (noun) = a dissolute man in fashionable society

    Synonyms: rake, rakehell, profligate, rip, blood, roue

  • rake (noun) = degree of deviation from a horizontal plane

    Synonyms: pitch, rake, slant

    • Usage: the roof had a steep pitch
  • rake (noun) = a long-handled tool with a row of teeth at its head; used to move leaves or loosen soil

    Synonyms: rake

  • rake (verb) = move through with or as if with a rake

    Synonyms: rake

    • Usage: She raked her fingers through her hair
  • rake (verb) = level or smooth with a rake

    Synonyms: rake

    • Usage: rake gravel
  • rake (verb) = sweep the length of

    Synonyms: rake

    • Usage: The gunfire raked the coast
  • rake (verb) = examine hastily

    Synonyms: scan, skim, rake, glance_over, run_down

    • Usage: She scanned the newspaper headlines while waiting for the taxi
  • rake (verb) = gather with a rake

    Synonyms: rake

    • Usage: rake leaves
  • rake (verb) = scrape gently

    Synonyms: graze, crease, rake

    • Usage: graze the skin
  • Other words to learn

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