Rap meaning in Hindi

Rap is a english word.

Rap Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • rap = मुक्का

    • Usage: The raps of the boxer were of great injury to the other boxer.
  • rap = रैप म्यूजिक

    • Usage: People nowadays love hearing rap music.
  • rap = धौल मारना

    • Usage: He got a rap on the back from the teacher for not doing the homework.
    • Usage: The teacher rapped on the table to get our attention.

Rap Meaning in Detail

  • rap (noun) = a reproach for some lapse or misdeed

    Synonyms: blame, rap

    • Usage: he took the blame for it
    • Usage: it was a bum rap
  • rap (noun) = a gentle blow

    Synonyms: rap, strike, tap

  • rap (noun) = the sound made by a gentle blow

    Synonyms: pat, rap, tap

  • rap (noun) = voluble conversation

    Synonyms: rap

  • rap (noun) = genre of African-American music of the 1980s and 1990s in which rhyming lyrics are chanted to a musical accompaniment; several forms of rap have emerged

    Synonyms: rap, rap_music, hip-hop

  • rap (noun) = the act of hitting vigorously

    Synonyms: knock, belt, rap, whack, whang

    • Usage: he gave the table a whack
  • rap (verb) = strike sharply

    Synonyms: rap, knap

    • Usage: rap him on the knuckles
  • rap (verb) = make light, repeated taps on a surface

    Synonyms: tap, rap, knock, pink

    • Usage: he was tapping his fingers on the table impatiently
  • rap (verb) = perform rap music

    Synonyms: rap

  • rap (verb) = talk volubly

    Synonyms: rap

  • Other words to learn

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