Rebel meaning in Hindi

Rebel is a english word.

Rebel Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • rebel = विद्रोही

    • Usage: Ravi has always been a rebel.
  • rebel = विद्रोह करना

    • Usage: They rebelled against conventions.

Rebel Meaning in Detail

  • rebel (noun) = `Johnny' was applied as a nickname for Confederate soldiers by the Federal soldiers in the American Civil War; `greyback' derived from their grey Confederate uniforms

    Synonyms: Rebel, Reb, Johnny_Reb, Johnny, greyback

  • rebel (noun) = a person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority (especially in the hope of improving conditions)

    Synonyms: insurgent, insurrectionist, freedom_fighter, rebel

  • rebel (noun) = someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action

    Synonyms: maverick, rebel

  • rebel (verb) = take part in a rebellion; renounce a former allegiance

    Synonyms: rebel, arise, rise, rise_up

  • rebel (verb) = break with established customs

    Synonyms: rebel, renegade

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