Relativity meaning in Hindi

Relativity is a english word.

Relativity Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • relativity = सापेक्षता या आपेक्षिकता

    • Usage: Einstein's theory of the universe,which states that all motion is relative and treats time as a fourth dimension related to space.
    • Usage: Tell me what is the relativity of water and mercury.

Relativity Meaning in Detail

  • relativity (noun) = (physics) the theory that space and time are relative concepts rather than absolute concepts

    Synonyms: relativity, theory_of_relativity, relativity_theory, Einstein's_theory_of_relativity

  • relativity (noun) = the quality of being relative and having significance only in relation to something else

    Synonyms: relativity

  • Other words to learn

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