Religion meaning in Hindi

Religion is a english word.

Religion Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • religion = धर्म

    • Usage: Religion teaches us to live and let others live.
  • religion = कर्तव्य

    • Usage: She has made a religion of always being dutiful and puntual.
  • religion = जीवन का अंग

    • Usage: Hockey was like a religion for Dhyan Chand.
  • religion = परमात्मा के अस्तित्व में विश्वास

    • Usage: Belief in the existance of God who has created the universe.

Religion Meaning in Detail

  • religion (noun) = a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny

    Synonyms: religion, faith, religious_belief

    • Usage: he lost his faith but not his morality
  • religion (noun) = an institution to express belief in a divine power

    Synonyms: religion, faith, organized_religion

    • Usage: he was raised in the Baptist religion
    • Usage: a member of his own faith contradicted him
  • Other words to learn

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