Religious meaning in Hindi

Religious is a english word.

Religious Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • religious = मज़हबी/धार्मिक

    • Usage: Temple is a religious place for Hindus.
    • Usage: There is a religious house at the country side.
  • religious = धार्मिक स्वभाव का

    • Usage: She's very religious.
  • religious = निष्ठापूर्वक

    • Usage: Pay religious attention to detail.

Religious Meaning in Detail

  • religious (noun) = a member of a religious order who is bound by vows of poverty and chastity and obedience

    Synonyms: religious

  • religious (adj) = concerned with sacred matters or religion or the church

    Synonyms: religious, spiritual

    • Usage: religious texts
    • Usage: a member of a religious order
    • Usage: lords temporal and spiritual
    • Usage: spiritual leaders
    • Usage: spiritual songs
  • religious (adj) = having or showing belief in and reverence for a deity

    Synonyms: religious

    • Usage: a religious man
    • Usage: religious attitude
  • religious (adj) = of or relating to clergy bound by monastic vows

    Synonyms: religious

    • Usage: the religious or regular clergy conducts the service
  • religious (adj) = extremely scrupulous and conscientious

    Synonyms: religious

    • Usage: religious in observing the rules of health
  • Other words to learn

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