Representative meaning in Hindi

Representative is a english word.

Representative Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • representative = प्रतिनिधि

    • Usage: I have sent my representative to attend the conference.
  • representative = प्रतिरूप

    • Usage: He is a representative of the younger generation.
  • representative = प्रतिनिधित्व पर आधारित

    • Usage: The state is being ruled by a representative government.
  • representative = प्रातिनिधिक

    • Usage: Is a questionnaire answered by 500 people truly representative of national
    • Usage: opinion.

Representative Meaning in Detail

  • representative (noun) = a person who represents others

    Synonyms: representative

  • representative (noun) = an advocate who represents someone else's policy or purpose

    Synonyms: spokesperson, interpreter, representative, voice

    • Usage: the meeting was attended by spokespersons for all the major organs of government
  • representative (noun) = a member of the United States House of Representatives

    Synonyms: congressman, congresswoman, representative

  • representative (noun) = an item of information that is typical of a class or group

    Synonyms: example, illustration, instance, representative

    • Usage: this patient provides a typical example of the syndrome
    • Usage: there is an example on page 10
  • representative (adj) = serving to represent or typify

    Synonyms: representative

    • Usage: representative moviegoers
    • Usage: a representative modern play
  • representative (adj) = standing for something else

    Synonyms: representative

    • Usage: the bald eagle is representative of the United States
  • representative (adj) = being or characteristic of government by representation in which citizens exercise power through elected officers and representatives

    Synonyms: representative

    • Usage: representative government as defined by Abraham Lincoln is government of the people, by the people, for the people
  • Other words to learn

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