Residual meaning in Hindi

Residual is a english word.

Residual Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • residual = बचा हुआ /शेष

    • Usage: There is a few residual faults in the computer program.
  • residual = अवशेष

    • Usage: His residuals are a weak heart and nervousness.

Residual Meaning in Detail

  • residual (noun) = something left after other parts have been taken away

    Synonyms: remainder, balance, residual, residue, residuum, rest

    • Usage: there was no remainder
    • Usage: he threw away the rest
    • Usage: he took what he wanted and I got the balance
  • residual (noun) = (often plural) a payment that is made to a performer or writer or director of a television show or commercial that is paid for every repeat showing

    Synonyms: residual

    • Usage: he could retire on his residuals
  • residual (adj) = relating to or indicating a remainder

    Synonyms: residual, residuary

    • Usage: residual quantity
  • Other words to learn

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