Retire meaning in Hindi

Retire is a english word.

Retire Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • retire = अवकाश प्राप्त करना

    • Usage: Politicians should retire at the age of 65.
  • retire = पीछे हटना

    • Usage: The battalion retired to take positions.
  • retire = अवकाश लेना

    • Usage: The player retired from the match with knee injury.
    • Usage: The director retired from his chamber at lunch.

Retire Meaning in Detail

  • retire (verb) = go into retirement; stop performing one's work or withdraw from one's position

    Synonyms: retire

    • Usage: He retired at age 68
  • retire (verb) = withdraw from active participation

    Synonyms: retire, withdraw

    • Usage: He retired from chess
  • retire (verb) = pull back or move away or backward

    Synonyms: withdraw, retreat, pull_away, draw_back, recede, pull_back, retire, move_back

    • Usage: The enemy withdrew
    • Usage: The limo pulled away from the curb
  • retire (verb) = withdraw from circulation or from the market, as of bills, shares, and bonds

    Synonyms: retire

  • retire (verb) = break from a meeting or gathering

    Synonyms: adjourn, withdraw, retire

    • Usage: We adjourned for lunch
    • Usage: The men retired to the library
  • retire (verb) = make (someone) retire

    Synonyms: retire

    • Usage: The director was retired after the scandal
  • retire (verb) = dispose of (something no longer useful or needed)

    Synonyms: retire

    • Usage: She finally retired that old coat
  • retire (verb) = lose interest

    Synonyms: retire, withdraw

    • Usage: he retired from life when his wife died
  • retire (verb) = cause to be out on a fielding play

    Synonyms: put_out, retire

  • retire (verb) = cause to get out

    Synonyms: retire, strike_out

    • Usage: The pitcher retired three batters
    • Usage: the runner was put out at third base
  • retire (verb) = prepare for sleep

    Synonyms: go_to_bed, turn_in, bed, crawl_in, kip_down, hit_the_hay, hit_the_sack, sack_out, go_to_sleep, retire

    • Usage: I usually turn in at midnight
    • Usage: He goes to bed at the crack of dawn
  • Other words to learn

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